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Mental Health
Suicide, Grief, and Abuse
A Resource Page Written and Compiled By
Barrington H. Brennen, MA, NCP, BCCP, JP; February 2022
Marriage and Family Therapist, Counseling Psychologist


May each year is Mental Health Awareness Month
October 10th each year is World Mental Health Day
September each year is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (USA)
September each year is is World Alzheimer’s Month.


Suicide is a subject that many do not talk much about. Far too many are often judgmental, critical and indifferent toward persons who are suicidal, very depressed or troubled.

“Although suicide is an extreme reaction, at some point in our lives we’ve all been enveloped in despair that leads us to question the point of all this.  Though most people don’t commit suicide or even consider it, we’ve all been broken in different ways.”

"Mental health is brain health. We need to understand that mental illnesses and emotional wellness are biological conditions, just like other physical diseases or illnesses.”
By Daniel Martin Haycraft, MD of Adventist Health

"Suicide is not about weakness, strength, courage or stamina.  It is about despair, distress and hopelessness. 
Literally anyone, the strong and the weak,
can reach that point."
Barrington H. Brennen

"Of all people who should have a comprehensive understanding
of a holistic approach to life, which includes mental health,
it should be Christians.
Barrington H. Brennen


Useful Links, Documents and Videos On
Suicide, Grief, Abuse, and Mental Health










www.soencouragement.org/counseling   Video/teletherapy available for persons living anywhere in the world.  See webpage



SNAP SHOTS ON SUICIDE [ Suicide in not Weakness ]


The Bible is silent on the topic.  "The sixth commandment is often used as a prohibition against suicide, but is suicide truly self-murder or an often-irrational, impulsive act of despair? If God can forgive the most heinous crimes of murder, why should suicide be unforgivable?”


“How important are genetics in predisposition to suicide—the visiting of the sins (genes?) of the fathers upon the children for generations (Exod. 20:5)? Just last week, I saw a patient whose father had hanged himself at age eighty, whose forty-year-old brother had jumped into Niagara Falls, whose younger brother had shot himself in his thirties. Is she "predestined" to be suicidal, at worst, or depressed, at best? If suicide is the end result of a long mental illness, such as paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major recurrent depression, is it any different from death from heart disease or cancer?”


“The stigma of suicide could be reduced with more awareness in society and particularly in the church, which would allow people to seek help more readily. We need to talk about suicide, and people need to see the church as a safe haven.” 


There is no specific psychological or sociological profile of those who commit suicide.  One does not have to have a long term mental or physical illness to commit suicide.

“The suicidal person is temporality overwhelmed. The failure of the ability to cope and function normally leaves the person with feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.”

“The common fear is of something worse than death—the continued pain or degradation if one continues to live in the present situation or emotional condition.”

“The person is feeling hopeless and helpless, because problem solving coping mechanisms are not working."


“Sermons break stigmas. When pastors are willing to talk publicly about mental illness, they take away some of the shame associated with these conditions. Churches need to be much more willing to acknowledge and destigmatize the presence of mental health issues in their faith communities.” 

“Churches should also seek out those who are hurting and offer their time and resources to help. Some specific ways church leaders can support their neighbors who have a mental illness are to ask good questions and let people share their stories. We should always be quick to listen instead of offering judgment.”

“Overall, our call as Christians in the midst of a suicide crisis comes from Jesus. When Jesus saw hurting people, he drew close to them, cared for them, and sent his disciples to care for them. Our call, then, is clear. We must seek out the broken even when it is messy and difficult. The church without the broken is a broken church.”



Pay attention to risk factors.
Listen for verbal warnings.
Notice their emotions.
Look for changed behavior.


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P.O. Box CB-11045, Nassau, The Bahamas.     
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