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The Bahamas Guidance Counselors Online Survey On Homosexuality

  If you are a school guidance counselor in The Bahamas who is either a practicing Christian

or not a Christian answer the following questions.  This is online survey is strictly confidential. 

There is no way Council for Family Research or anyone else can determine who answered these question.

Your identity cannot be found out.

The Bahamas Guidance Counselor Online Survey On Homosexuality
1. I have a conflict talking with students who are suspected of being homosexual or who are claiming to be homosexual, about issues arising in their homosexual relationships.

No conflict
Little conflict
Some conflict
Great conflict
2. I am a Christian and I am comfortable counseling homosexual teens.

Somewhat comfortable
3. I am not a Christian and I am comfortable counseling homosexual teens.

Somewhat comfortable
4. I feel that I will condoning homosexuality if I help a homosexual teen solve his personal or relationship issues.

Always feel I will be condoning
Somewhat feel I will be condoning
Not sure about my feelings about this question
I know I am not condoning
5. I have a difficulty balancing my Christian beliefs about homosexuality in my every-day work when dealing with teens who are known to be homosexual.

I have no difficulty
I have some difficulty
I am great difficulty
6. I do not know how to express unconditional love and acceptance to homosexual teens without condemning or condoning.

I know how to do this
I am not clear how to do this
I do not know how to do this
I want to learn how to do this
7. I have issues with my own anger against homosexuals or homosexuality when talking with or counseling homosexual teens.

I do have issues with my anger against homosexual
I have do not have issues with anger against homosexual
I am not certain about my feelings regarding anger against homosexuals or homosexuality
8. I have difficulty being alone in the presence of a known homosexual teen when counseling him or her.

I have great difficulty
I have some difficulty
I have no difficulty
9. I genuinely would like to develop Christ-like and professional skills to help me work with open or confused homosexual teens.

I believe I have sufficient knowledge and skills to work with homosexual teens
10. I am willing to learn the dynamics about homosexuality among teens in order be more effective as a guidance counselor

I believe I have sufficient knowledge about the dynamics of homosexuality
Although I have some knowledge I am still willing to grow in my knowledge and skills about homosexuality
11. I believe I can learn to love a homosexual teen and maintain my own Christians beliefs about homosexuality.

Not Sure
12. Please write in the box below what you believe are some of the key issues guidance counselors face when counseling homosexual teens.

Remember to share this survey with a fellow guidance counselor in The Bahamas

See Current Results